Pristine Dreams | An Online TTRPG Adventure Series

To the Xenia | Session 5 | Part 3

GM Chavez Season 1 Episode 20

The adventure continues...
While the bathhouse proved refreshing, our party found themselves at odds with the young and arrogant Prince Linus, as well as many of the customs of Arcadia. Will our party fair any better during a feast with Arcadia's regal King, Lycaon or will they falter at the hands of the "Xenia"?

Our Party:
Nyx the reincarnated "Maenad" Rogue, played by Cipher
Rinverhi the "Light Bringer" Sorcerer, played by Endo
Bran the "Queen's Acolyte" Ranger, played by Dusk
and Kenopsia the "DreamWalker" Paladin , played by Juno!!!!!!!!

Pristine Dreams:
We started off as a homebrew mashup of rules but will now be playing in 5e as the party has "Awakened" in the "DreamScape" - a nightmarish world of living dreams ruled by the mysterious "Nightmare King." Can our party defeat the Nightmare King and rescue the residents of the DreamScape back to the waking world? Find out, right here, on Pristine Dreams!

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